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Amazing. Love it 😀 we should be "posting" our analog words and art perhaps less in this digital plane and more in the physical!
or both? in the ether with satellite dust
and in flesh and bones on this rock!
Wow! So cool.
this brought the original story, the original post that mentioned the original person that ignited a whole vine of writers, full circle. Art shit, most probably wouldn’t make sense of it. You gotta be reading deep into the details to really get it.
I really want a high res image of the poster...
Very cool. I had to jump off live show sorry for being a collage dropout
Just glad you jumped in! You get your symbolic diploma regardless!
Amazing. Love it 😀 we should be "posting" our analog words and art perhaps less in this digital plane and more in the physical!
or both? in the ether with satellite dust
and in flesh and bones on this rock!
Wow! So cool.
this brought the original story, the original post that mentioned the original person that ignited a whole vine of writers, full circle. Art shit, most probably wouldn’t make sense of it. You gotta be reading deep into the details to really get it.
I really want a high res image of the poster...
Very cool. I had to jump off live show sorry for being a collage dropout
Just glad you jumped in! You get your symbolic diploma regardless!